Some translation would be a huge step up.
it's good for learning from pro kifu
If anything I teach this app says to purchase
スマホ用の観戦アプリとしてとても使いやすい。 また、アプデで過去の対局の保存期間が無期限になったのは有り難い。 さらに改善を求めるなら、 個人的には継ぎ盤機能を搭載してくれると良いと思ってます。(2018/8/28) 継ぎ盤ができるようになって嬉しいです。電車の中で検討するのによく使ってます。 要望が一つ。 叡王戦などで勝ち抜いた棋士が同じ日にもう一戦する場合、二戦目の組み合わせに残ってる方が一戦目で勝ったんだと分かってしまうので、一戦目を見ていなかったら「???」等で伏せ字にしてもらえると助かります。 (2019/7/16)
Good to watch the Japanese masters. You can also search games by opening to understand different Jouseki. Sadly comments are in Japanese only, so you need to understand some Japanese to benefit from them. Considering you have to pay every month, a translation would be good value and encourage foreign fans of shogi.
Good and reliable app. It is very helpful that many things can be shown in English. I think many people will benefit from this. However game comments can not translate. I am most interested in this. Today I have to copy the text, paste into Google Translate, *for each move comment*. This is painful. Please help.
Comments very useful and interesting if you can understand Japanese (commentators very strong players themselves, likely high dan amateurs). Unfortunately if you cannot read Japanese, the English version of the app is rather broken English which you might find confusing when trying to renew your subscription.